Welcome To Vanik Council (UK) Website
We aim to provide regular updates to the Vanik community via this website and the Vanik Voice newsletter to keep you informed of our latest events and the voluntary services offered.
Our Vision:
To support, connect and provide a service to benefit the Vanik Community
Vanik Council was setup in 1978, as The National Council of Vanik Awww.vaniks.co.ukssowww.vaniks.co.ukciations (NCVA) in the form of an umbrella organisation for the Vanik community in the UK. It is operated by the representatives of the affiliate organisations.
Aims and Objectives:
To advance the Jain and Vaishnav faiths
To advance the arts, culture, and heritage of the Vanik community
To relieve sickness and financial hardship, promote and preserve good health and advance education within the Vanik community.
Our services include:
Vanik Directory Creation (printed and on-line)
promotion of health including organ donation (Health Seminars)
Spiritual care of the sick (Chaplaincy)
support to bereaved families (Jain Funeral Rites)
matrimonial services (Matrimonial register management and Speed Dating events)
dissemination of information of interest to the community
Have you registered/updated your details on Online Vaniks Directory?
Vanik Council UK operates a national directory of all Vaniks in Uk. This is a useful source of information of your fellow Vaniks in our community. This will also enable you to receive our Newsletter "Vanik Voice".
Click on the link below to register/update your details:
Latest News:
Vanik Council UK Awarded for its service to the community
Vanik Council UK was selected for the 2021 London Faith and Belief Community Award for its 'Health and Wellbeing' service to the community in Greater London.
The Award was presented during the ceremony at a prestigious venue in Central London by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, Sir Kenneth Olisa on Monday 29th November 2021.
Manhar Mehta (Chairman) and Bhupen Vasa (Webmaster) from Vanik Council were presented with the Award Certificate in presence of a large gathering of guests and other award winners.
Vanik Council was invited deliver a speech on behalf of all the winners in the 'Health and Wellbeing' category.
The event was recorded on You Tube and is available to view at https://youtu.be/5Lq8ubg3tlI
Photos of the event, including that of the certificate are shown on Faith & Belief Award page.
Other latest updates to this website:
There is a new Jain calendar for 2023 is available here Jain Festivals and auspicious days
Last updated on 28 February 2023